Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Guest Blogging for Simply Whit in a Sequined Life

Today I am so honored to be guest blogging for one of my fabulous blog buddies, Whitley of Simply Whit in a Sequined Life! Whitley is off enjoying some time in Germany. I am definitely envious of her trip - I love Germany! Whitley's blog is one of my daily reads. We are both fairly new in the blog scene, and it has been fun learning the ropes together. If you haven't checked out Whit's blog, it's a must! She is darling, witty and a fellow budget fashionista! On her blog today, I revisit one of my go-to rules for shopping on a budget. You may remember it - the "70/30 rule." Hop on over to her blog for some examples of how I have applied the "70/30 rule" in my daily outfits, along with some tips for achieving a quality closet over time.

Also, don't forget to enter the Max & Chloe giveaway!

Thanks, again, Whitley, for letting me take over your blog while you're away! It's been fun!

Three-fer Thursday will be back tomorrow!

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